Recently many internet service providers such as Comcast and WOW have started offering VoIP service as a package price plan when you purchase their cable. If you are already paying for Cable TV and High Speed Internet from the cable company don-t be tricked into adding VoIP from them also. Cable and traditional phone companies are realizing that VoIP is here to stay and want to join in.
Many people see the initial savings over traditional phone service and think they are getting a good deal, however many times they are paying almost double for VoIP just to have a single bill for all three services.
Comcast charges $39.95 a month for their unlimited VoIP service compared to $16.58 for VoIP service through SunRocket if you pay yearly. Probably the most well known and best VoIP service provider available is Vonage and they charge $24.99 for unlimited calling. WOW charges about $35.00 a month depending on the package you purchase. As you can see using the cable companies for your VoIP needs can cost you $23.00 more a month just to keep your Cable, Internet, and Phone on one bill. The VoIP service that the cable companies are offering is usually no better than most VoIP providers out there regardless of what the telemarketer tells you.
Cable Company VoIP Provider Information:
• Comcast Digital Voice: Comcast offers an unlimited US & Canada calling package for $39.95 a month when you purchase their high speed internet service. If you would like to keep your existing internet service from a competitor then the price jumps to $54.95. The main selling point for Comcast is the promise of calls traveling across proprietary Comcast lines, which allows for higher quality and reliability than calls from upstarts that travel exclusively across the public Internet. Comcast quality and reliability have yet to be proven compared to other competitive VoIP providers.
• Wide Open West (WOW): WOW offers two choices, the WOW phone Basic and Advanced plans. The basic service offer unlimited calling in the US with Call Waiting, Call Forwarding, 3Way Calling, and Call Return(*69). The Advanced plan offers the same features as the basic plan and Caller ID, Repeat Dial, Selective Call Forwarding, and Voice Mail. The Basic plan costs around $25.00 a month when you purchase their high speed internet service. The Advanced plan costs around $30.00 a month when you purchase their high speed internet service. WOW does not offer VoIP unless you purchase internet service from them.
• Bright HouseNetworks: Bright house offers what they call Digital Phone for their VoIP plan. The plan offers unlimited calling in the US with Call Waiting, Call Forwarding, 3Way Calling, and Call Return(*69), Caller ID, Repeat Dial, and Selective Call Forwarding. The plan costs $39.99 a month when you purchase their high speed internet service or $49.99 if you use your existing internet service provider.
• Time Warner: Time Warner offers what they call Digital Phone for their VoIP plan. The plan offers unlimited calling in the US with Call Waiting, Call Forwarding, 3Way Calling, and Call Return(*69), Caller ID, Repeat Dial, and Selective Call Forwarding plus a few more. The plan costs $39.99 a month when you purchase their high speed internet service.
This is just a sample of Cable Companies that are starting to provide VoIP. To find out more you can search for additional providers online or visit our website.
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